Have seen Marathi classic movie Pinjara on Saturday. For a long time now wanted to watch this movie. Finally the movie was aired on a Marathi channel and I could watch it. Thanx to Z talkies.
The script was just incredible. Probably best among all I have seen ever. The plot and the massage given everything was astonishing truly. The all time legend V. Shantaraam had everything to offer in a legendary art creation.
This was one of the issues always taken my attention. The importance of values and limitations of being a human being. When people develop faith in someone over a period, they just can't except his/her limitations being human.
The movie is about an ideal teacher who is dedicated to serve his village to make it ideal one. The village free of liquor, tamasha anything which can develop into an addiction. When he refuses a tamashaa ( local folk dance from Maharashtra done by women, slightly intimating) the lead lady takes it as a challenge. She sets up her show in adjacent village separated by a river. And she succeeds over the period to woo people from teachers village. People starts bunking special evening school run by teacher to attain tamasha at other village. The teacher, who has adopted bramhachryatw ( decided not to marry and stay away from women) come to know about this and try to get back his people. He even went to the lady to request her to leave the place. But during there few interactions he starts loosing himself over the beauty. Over the period even lady is influenced by the kindness and knowledge of teacher. The teacher tries to hold himself hard but can't stop of losing all the time to her beauty and her bold philosophy of life.
The teacher starts feeling immense guilty over his contact with a women considered characterless. With different series of sequences he runs away with the lady and her group of tamasha's where people from his village considered him being killed. The teacher and lady now deeply involved in each other keep facing conflicts due to absolute different lives and ideologies. Finally time comes when teacher who has lost everything in his life over a woman has left helpless and becomes alcoholic. He in fact keeps getting insulted in the group of tamaasha. And when the lady decides to leave everything for him to start a new life he is being arrested accusing him for the murder of his own ( as everyone in his village thinks that their ideal teacher is being killed).
There he realizes that people from his village did set up a statue of him in his memory and cursing his killer. Now when he faces them with his changed identity where no one can reckon him he realizes what their faith mean for him. He refuses the lady to tell truth about him being the same to anyone, as he is worried that people will loose faith over any good thing in the life. He argues that ideology should prevail over human being. The ideology should be protected even at the expense of human being.
The music composed by Shree Raam Kadam and written by Shree Jagdish Khebudkar is timeless classic. It binds the entire movie. Pinjara means cage. The movie talks about the restrictions (Pinjara) of life over a human being.